Etusivu » Young people » Interesting facts
Interesting facts
Resources for life and will for coping. Handbook for child protection – from young people to their peers.
The report was compiled based on the Päihteet? forums for young people organised during spring and summer 2018.

Experts by experience
An expert by experience in child welfare refers to a young person who develops child welfare based on his or her own experiences together with other experts by experience. The work of experts by experience has also become a well-known concept in child welfare. Reform schools also have expert by experience activities. Ask your personal counsellor for more information.
More information:
- Experts by experience in child welfare
- The Voima Vaikuttaa! network for young experts by experience
- Osallisuuden aika ry
The main task of the association is to promote collaborative child welfare work and the development of services for families with children. - UP2US project
Versatile activities related to peer and expert by experience activities in the substitute care of child welfare services in Central Finland and Pirkanmaa.